The Man and his Sycophants

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People want a strong leader

It makes them feel better

Greater than before, he’ll do it all

Smooth voice sliding out lies

He buys the minds of simple souls

And absorbs the faith of religious folks

The orange-haired monster grows and grows

Malignant evil forward goes

Foes become friends and friends foes

Delighted dictators dance with joy

Swarms of sycophants cheer the man

With no soul, a cancerous black hole

Sucking in sports stars and tech czars

And ordinary fearful folk alike

Zero sum gamer, other people blamer

I win, you lose, you can’t refuse

My lies are truth, can’t you see

How many millions believe in me?

What I say is what shall be

The art of the deal makes a mockery

Of what has been and will no longer be

You let me in, I run the show

No one can stop me, I will not go.

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